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Gym Kitchen makes a pudding packed full of chocolate flavor and protein

Gym Kitchen Protein Pudding

The Gym Kitchen in the United Kingdom is a damn good name for what the functional company offers, as all of its items are indeed things that you can make in your kitchen, at least the format is. Being in the health and nutrition industry, the brand puts a better, healthier twist on the foods, including high-protein pizza, pot noodles, wraps, pancakes, and even milk. Another format it plays in is yogurt, high-protein yogurt, which comes in a pot that you can rip open wherever you are and dig in.

High Protein Yogurt from The Gym Kitchen has just landed itself another flavor in Blueberry Muffin, packing 20g of muscle-building protein per pot, close to half of that in carbohydrates at 11.4g, a lot of that sugar at 9.4g, close to zero fat, and 130 calories. In combination with that extension, the creative nutrition company has introduced a completely new product that, like the yogurt, comes in a compact little pot and is ready to eat, but naturally, it comes in a much more decadent flavor.

The Gym Kitchen has expanded its catalog to include High Protein Pudding in a fitting chocolate flavor. The macros on this are not as lean as High Protein Yogurt with 15g of protein, 2.6g of fat, about the same carbohydrates at 11.2g, half of that sugar, and 131 calories. The nutrition profile on the pudding is not as lean in terms of protein to calories; however, it’s guaranteed it’ll make up that difference in taste with a rich chocolate flavor that has a realistic consistency we know the brand can deliver on.