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Sneaky Gainz puts its sugar-flavored creatine into stick packs for the same price as its bulk tub

Sneaky Gainz Stick Packs

Sneaky Gainz has made some waves in the fast-growing creatine market with its innovative approach to flavor. The newcomer’s flagship product, a sugar-flavored creatine monohydrate, stands out in a sea of unflavored and fruit-flavored competitors. Each serving delivers a full 5g dose of creatine, supporting muscle strength, size, performance, and power. Despite its sugar-like taste, the product contains no actual sugar, offering a guilt-free way to enhance the sweetness of other supplements or enjoy its sugary taste solo.

In a move that combines its sugar-flavored creatine and a bit of convenience, Sneaky Gainz now offers its unique signature supplement in boxes of 30 single-serving stick packs. Priced at $49.99 through, these boxes cost the same as the brand’s original bulk bottle, also packing a total of 30 servings. It’s an interesting way to price things as we don’t think we’ve ever seen a product’s tub and stick pack varieties cost exactly the same with identical serving counts, but that is what Sneaky Gainz has done.

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