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Island Abbey develops center-filled gummies for precise dosing and a leg up on the competition

Island Abbey Centered Filled Gummies

The gummy, or really the edible supplement space, has come a long way, with several sports nutrition brands now having some sort of product in the tasty candy-inspired format, packed full of functional ingredients and dosages. We say edible supplements as innovators have gone beyond squishy gummies into the likes of jelly beans, lollipops, and chewing gum, and in the very near future, we’re getting something that’s somewhat of an evolution of that original gummy candy format.

Experienced gummy supplement manufacturer Island Abbey Nutritionals has developed an innovative line of center-filled gummies, utilizing advanced filling and molding technology to encapsulate active ingredients within a flavorful gummy shell. This development allows for enhanced potency and precise nutrient delivery in every bite. The company has created three showcasing products for a handful of the most mainstream categories in immune support, sleep enhancement, and energy boosting.

In addition to the stock offerings, being a manufacturer, Island Abbey Nutritionals can do custom formulations, where brands provide their preferred set of ingredients and dosages to go into the center of a gummy for whatever area of the industry they want to attack. The company’s cutting-edge starchless manufacturing process ensures consistency, quality, and innovation, and will certainly help brands stand out, especially if they want to do gummies and have that advanced, sports nutrition edge.

Island Abbey Nutritionals has been around for decades and clearly continues to push the boundaries, which, from a brand perspective, is what you want. The giant annual industry-level event, SupplySide West, is taking place next week in Las Vegas, where Island Abbey will be available to discuss more with brands. On the consumer side of things, we can imagine supplement companies getting in on this and using it to separate themselves from the pack, so be sure to keep an eye out.