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Newcomer Sleep Protein takes the concept of nighttime protein powder up a notch

Sleep Protein Brand

We’ve seen several nighttime protein powders over the years from various companies, most casein-based due to its slow-release property and with a sprinkling of sleep ingredients for a better night’s sleep. The newcomer Sleep Protein that is about to come to market, is a brand built around a core nighttime protein powder, although it has taken the concept up a notch in terms of what’s alongside its source of protein, offering a reliable level of protein and sleep support.

On the protein side of Sleep Protein’s signature and self-titled supplement is 20g of protein, entirely from micellar casein with 4g of carbohydrates, no sugar or fat, and a clean 100 calories. The muscle-building and recovery-supporting protein is a bit less than the usual 25g, but with the other macronutrients being nice and lean, you can easily have another quarter scoop to scale up to that amount and not worry about anything else getting too high.

As for the sleep ingredients filling out Sleep Protein, there is quite a selection, certainly sleep aid level, with tryptophan, 5-HTP at 200mg, theanine at 250mg, zinc citrate, magesnium bisglycinate, and one of our favorites for a good night’s slpee in GABA, and it’s at a solid dosage of 2g. To top it all off, the DigeZyme blend is in there, too, for better digestion and gut health, making for one of the most robust two-in-one nighttime protein powders you’ll ever find.

Sleep Protein is currently getting ready to hit the market through its website, which is also a nice source of information on the importance of sleep and how to make the most out of that crucial nighttime window. The newcomer is listing a price of $39.99 for a 1lb bag of the complex, hybrid sleep supplement in a lone Vanilla Lavendar Sky flavor. Dedicated brands like this are always great to see, and we look forward to it launching, growing, and potentially expanding.