Muscle Nation in Australia is now immensley experienced in the functional food category, having a whole host of innovations under its belt in the space. More impressively, the brand’s efforts have resulted in products beyond your traditional doughy and chewy protein bar packing 20g. There is its signature Custard Protein Bar with a genuinely custard-like center, the Cheesecake Protein Bar with various textures and taste, and joining that massive selection this month is the much more compact 30g Protein Snack Bar.
Inside Muscle Nation’s Protein Snack Bar is a similar but still alternative body, featuring various bits, pieces, and consistencies, but overall, it looks as tasty as its many other offerings. The catch comes in the name, as mentioned above, it is a more compact snack, providing half of the usual 20g of protein per bar at 10g, with equally scaled down sugar, carbohydrates, fat, and calories. This one is a true protein snack, essentially offering half of what you get a full protein bar, but Muscle Nation doesn’t leave off flavor.
The all-new Protein Snack Bar from Muscle Nation comes in four flavors to start, all of them looking as delicious as the next, including Cookies & Cream and Chocolate Brownie, both filled with crispy chocolate pieces and a gooey top layer. The other two are Caramel Nut indeed with salty caramel and crunchy nuts, and Cherry Coconut with a cherry-sweetened coconutty body. Like the majority of Muscle Nation’s functional foods, consumers will be able to find the Snack Bar in the major Australian supermarket Woolworths.