Kourtney Kardashian’s health and wellness supplement company, Lemme, has done a great job at standing out in the market it targets as well as grabbing the attention of the supplement industry in general. While it primarily sticks to gummy products, it still does a good job on the formulation side, incorporating reliable ingredients and dosages, sometimes branded ingredients. Its latest innovation is Lemme No. 2, calling out its purpose right in its name and aiming to support that particular situation in the bathroom.
Lemme No. 2 is engineered as a comprehensive gut health solution, combining prebiotic fiber with a respectable probiotic blend. Each serving delivers 4g of fiber to support regularity and digestive health, alongside a 55mg complex made up of the premium and proven probiotics DE111 bacillus subtilis and SNZ 1969 bacillus coagulans, providing two billion CFUs for a balanced gut microbiome. The addition of 20mcg vitamin D further enhances overall digestive wellness, and it’s all squeezed into a serving of two gummies.
Kourtney Kardashian and Lemme may not be packing kitchen sink formulas into their supplements or over-the-top dosages, but it includes enough to deliver on the job it promises. The on-the-nose named Lemme No. 2 is another example of that, bringing together prebiotic fiber and studied probiotics for the simple purpose of improving digestion and gut health. The gummy supplement is launching next week in the one sweet strawberry flavor with the usual 30 servings per bottle and a similar price to Lemme’s other items at $30.