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Introducing Keto Brick and its performance-focused food with 90g of fat and 1,000 calories

Introducing Keto Brick

The world of functional food is a fun one, as we’ve said many times before, there is just more room to innovative and get creative, whether it’s the format the product comes in, the nutrition strategy like high-protein versus general low-calories, or a specific area of the retailer you want to sit. Keto Brick has been around for a bit, but it is new to us here at Stack3d, and it is one we felt worth sharing as it offers a different sort of approach both in build and nutrition balance.

Keto Brick is indeed a keto-friendly functional food that aims to provide moderate protein, plenty of fats, and low carbohydrates- the traditional balance of a keto lifestyle. It is worth noting that the signature product from the brand, self-titled the Keto Brick, is designed to be performance-first, and you see that in its nutrition profile. The product isn’t intended to be something to have on the move and fit the needs of a convenient keto-friendly food; again, it is fat-fueled food for performance.

Introducing Keto Brick

The macros do vary across each of the flavors of the Keto Brick, but using the Chocolate Malt flavor as an example, you can see that goal reflected in the nutrition profile. In a heavy 146g block or brick, in this case, you get 33g of protein, which is high, 13g of carbohydrates, 2g of that sugar, and an absolutely huge 89g of fat, again, to fuel performance. With the fat that high and the moderate input from the protein and carbs, the calories top out pretty high at 1,0000.

Keto Brick carefully crafts its flagship product with organic caco butter, high-quality grass-fed whey protein, and several other ingredients with no added sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners, and fillers. Again, the brand and its functional food are all about giving you fuel for performance in a keto-style manner and it does just that at around 90g of fat. There are several flavors to choose from and even a plant-based version, which you can see in more detail at