At the Arnold Sports Festival this year, Cellucor was in Columbus, Ohio, but not the jam packed Arnold Expo. The sports nutrition giant placed samples of its latest pre-workout innovation, C4 Alphabomb, in and around the Columbus Convention Center, specifically a GNC store in Hilliard and a gym just down the road from the show in Beyond Limits Training. We ventured down to the gym to grab a sample and train, although we saved the single-serving sachet of C4 Alphabomb for a more focused and dedicated workout.
We typically like to use a pre-workout several times before sharing thoughts and feedback, purely bceause variables like food, rest, and the workout itself can alter how one performs in the gym and in turn make use of a supplement and its benefits. We prefer to report on a consistent experience rather than a one-off; however, since C4 Alphabomb is not meant to be out for a while we figured we’d share our early thoughts.
Cellucor’s all-new C4 Alphabomb includes a few standout highlights, including a whopping 8g of high-quality CarnoSyn beta-alanine, caffeine innovation Deura9 d9-caffeine, and the AI-discovered pump component PeptiPump. There are a few other ingredients in the formula but those are the main ones and altogether it’s a relatively solid pre-workout. It packs a strong energy punch, where the caffeine blend and 1.5mg of alpha yohimbine initially hit like 400mg of caffeine, and then smooth out for consistent energy.

The overall feeling was kind of like a high-stimulant C4 Ultimate, where there was plenty of energy, focus, and drive, and lasting performance support, although there wasn’t too much on the pump side of things. We’re not sure if that was the stimulants taking away from it or the pump components weren’t as potent, and there is a fair amount with Velox and PeptiPump. The energy and feel were definitely there, and surprisingly, despite having 8g of CarnoSyn beta-alanine, the tingles were unnoticeable. We thought maybe at more than double the usual 3.2g they would be rather intense but that was not the case.
Based on the single sample, Cellucor’s C4 Alphabomb is a reliable pre-workout; however, it will depend how much it actually costs to compare it to the competition. As a general judgement though, it delivers. It smacks you in the face, wakes you up and gets your head in the game, gives you plenty of energy throughout your workout, maintains focus, and drives performance. It’s definitely the most stimulating C4 pre-workout we’ve had in a while, which goes perfectly with the name C4 Alphabomb and its marketing.