Bloom took things up a level when it entered the beverage space with its extensively functional Bloom Sparkling Energy Drink. The product includes a reliable 180mg dosage of caffeine to provide uplifting energy as well as theanine, apple cider vinegar, vitamins, ginseng, and the premium ingredients Oligonol and Sunfiber for weight management and gut health. Bloom is about to embark on its next adventure in the world of drinks with another intriguing innovation: Bloom Pop gut healthy soda.
Bloom Pop is different from the previously released Bloom Sparkling Energy Drink in that it’s more about offering a functional and healthier alternative to traditional soda than providing a boost of energy anywhere, anytime of the day. Bloom has made a healthy soda in Bloom Pop that promises a great taste using fruit juice, organic cane sugar, and the natural sweetener stevia. Nutritionally, it is guilt-free, with just 4g of sugar per can, well below classic sugary sodas, and a low-calorie count of 25.
There is a functional side to the Bloom Pop healthy soda, as you’d expect from the hugely successful supplement company, although it’s not to the extent of Bloom’s energy drink. Alongside the low sugar and fair calories are prebiotics and apple cider vinegar to jointly support gut health and digestion.
Bloom is making a major move with Bloom Pop, as soda is a much more mainstream business. That’ll lead to spreading awareness to individuals who would never have even come across Bloom, and success from the healthy soda will likely lead to more attention and interest in its core set of supplements. Bloom Pop is hitting the market soon with five different flavors to choose from, all with the same quality highlights and functionality, including the likes of Shirley Temple, Raspberry Lemon, and Orange.