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Apollon celebrates St. Patrick’s Day and its founders’ anniversary in a Shamrock Shake protein powder

Apollon Irish Green Milkshake Isoblast

We all know and love Apollon Nutrition for its hardcore, hugely dosed supplements, including the immensely intense stimulant pre-workouts Hooligan and Assassin. The brand has also become known for its flavoring, not only because it has made some great-tasting sports nutrition products but also because it’s been able to produce some truly unique options. That is once again on display this week, with Apollon putting something together in celebration of two separate and very special occasions, all being worked into a single supplement.

Apollon Nutrition has crafted an Irish Green Milkshake flavor of its premium IsoBlast protein powder, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, although that day is the same as something else that’s important to the brand. The smaller 15-serving product features a Claddagh ring on the label, honoring the wedding anniversary of the two-time Brand Of The Year’s founders, Robik and Marina Samborsky. Some containers will also be signed by the couple, adding a personal touch that we continue to see from the hardcore company.

The hybrid celebratory Irish Green Milkshake IsoBlast protein powder is hitting the market this coming Friday, bang on St. Patrick’s Day, as well as Robik and Marina Samborsky’s wedding anniversary. It has that smaller 15 servings per tub with all of the quality macros we’ve come to expect from IsoBlast, and if it wasn’t clear, the taste is inspired by the classic Shamrock Shake.