Swolverine has dropped not one or two but three completely new supplements, and they’re all relatively straightforward, centering around the ingredients named in their titles. To make it even easier to try and add them to your health and nutrition regimen, the brand has launched the lot alongside an automatically discounted bundle. The first of the trio is Magnesium Gisglycinate, featuring Albion’s ingredient of the same name, providing 200mg of magnesium in each of its 60 capsules.
The second of Swolverine’s all-new supplements is DHEA, providing 100mg of the health and wellness ingredient, which is on the higher side in terms of concentration next to other DHEA offerings, and you get that identical 60 capsules a bottle. Last but not least is Colostrum, the brand’s entry into the growing category of colostrum products with half a gram of the ingredient in each of its 60 capsules, and that is standardized to 30% immunoglobulins to support immune function as well as recovery.
No matter which of the three supplements you grab from Swolverine’s online store at swolverine.com, you’ll pay $39.99 each. As mentioned, however, there is a preset stack called the Vitality Pack that has a bottle of each, and it brings the cost down by 25% to $30 a piece. That makes it well worth the investment even if you were considering grabbing two of the three as it’s only $10 more for the set.