Muscle Nation is a sports nutrition brand at its core, or at least that’s how it started in supplements with a pre-workout, protein powder, and weight loss competitors. For its energy drink, however, it went more traditional in terms of ingredients, not throwing anything overly complicated or advanced, and sticking to common components. The Muscle Nation Energy Drink features a gram of BCAAs, B vitamins, and caffeine at 160mg in a half-liter can with no sugar and under 20 calories.
The energizing beverage from Muscle Nation sticks to the primary purpose of an energy drink, and now it comes in a half-size 250ml or 8.4oz can that is available from the major Australian supermarket Woolworths. From what we understand, the smaller volume does result in half the original 500ml formula, which should give you half a gram of BCAAs per slim and sleek can, the various B vitamins again, 80mg of caffeine instead of 160, still no sugar, and a low-calorie count of four.
To make the half-sized Muscle Nation Energy Drink that little bit more desirable, it has launched in two completely new flavors, options you won’t find on the menu of the original 500ml offering, in Grape and the two-part fruity recipe that sounds rather intriguing with Strawberry Pineapple.