More Nutrition, a sister brand of ESN under the umbrella company The Quality Group, has got together with a fellow German company outside of the health and nutrition industry, specifically in the world of sugar-loaded ice cream. More and Cookie Bros have teamed up for a special edition flavor of protein powder, although it’s not for any of its mainstream supplements. The flavor is for something called Protein Milkyccino, which is similar but also separate from the likes of Protein Iced Coffee.
Protein Milkyccino is More Nutrition’s sweet and smooth milkshake-like protein powder with added caffeine, giving it a similar blend of benefits to the aforementioned Protein Iced Coffee with a mix of protein and caffeine, although this has no coffee-type taste. The brand doesn’t have all that many flavors available for the supplement, just one in White Almond Coconut, and joining that option today is Vanilla Dark Cookie Dough, put together with the ice cream specialist Cookie Bros.
To ensure consumers get a completely authentic experience reminiscent of Cookie Bros ice cream, More Nutrition’s Vanilla Dark Cookie Dough Protein Milkyccino has a base vanilla taste, a hint of chocolate, and actual cookie pieces. It sounds like a damn delicious protein powder with a lean balance of 18g of protein per serving, 3.7g of carbohydrates, 7.4g of fat, and 160 calories. Again, Milkyccino is caffeinated with a moderate hit of around 80mg, and it is going live today at morenutrition.de.