If you haven’t noticed by the 2,000 plus brands we share news and developments on, typically we feel the more options and products out there on the market the better, as it improves the chances of finding something that is absolutely perfect for you, from efficacy to flavor. While there weren’t that many energy drink competitors out there a several years ago, the number has exploded more recently, many of them with their own individual takes and approaches, including the intriguing Mind Blow.
Mind Blow started with an energy and focus-enhancing bulk supplement, where you get a bottle of powder and serve as you please, like a pre-workout, amino acid formula, or protein powder. The brand has come a long way since then and now offers two ways you can go to get its signature benefits and effects. Mind Blow still has that original powder supplement but in stick pack format, built to increase energy and enhance focus, as well as the Mind Blow Energy Drink offering the same sort of benefits.

The two separate products aren’t identical when it comes to ingredients and dosages; however, they aren’t completely off and they aim for the same sensory benefits: improving energy and focus. The Mind Blow Energy Drink features a variety of vitamins asnd minerals, as well as light to moderate dosages of theanine, tyrosine, and choline, 2g of taurine, and 180mg of caffeine. It is a respectable selection for a canned and carbonated solution, and there are two sizes, a traditional 16oz and the 12oz Mind Blow Energy Drink Lite with all of the same dosages except a dialed down 135mg of caffeine.
The Mind Blow supplement has many of those components mentioned but at more efficacious amounts such as 2g of tyrosine, a slightly higher 200mg of caffeine, 200mg of alpha-gpc, and theacrine for a more potent level of energy and focus. The brand and its products are quite versatile due to the options, especially with the energy drink’s sizes that keep the nootropics at the same and the option for less caffeine at a scaled 135mg.

If you’re an energy drink conisseur, Mind Blow is worth a look and the same goes if you’re a consumer on the look out for a general uplifting, energizing, and focus-enhancing solution. The ability to go back and forth between a carbonated beverage and powder supplement is certainly not common and might be exactly what some people are looking for. There are a few flavors available for the drink and even more for the powder product, and there is also a convenient discovery bundle with one of everything.