Life Pro Nutrition is heavily known for its delicious selection of functional foods, with products in all different shapes, sizes, tastes, and textures, well beyond the traditional protein bar. As extensive as its foods catalog is, the Spanish brand goes just as deep on the supplement side, covering a whole host of categories, including protein powder, amino acids, and pre-workouts. The protein portion of Life Pro is getting some attention this week, specifically its blend-style Whey Protein and premium ISO Zero.
In a similar move to other health and nutrition companies that make protein supplements, Life Pro Nutrition has announced that it is moving its entire catalog of varieties for Whey Protein and ISO Zero into resealable pouches. The shift is starting with specific flavors of those two protein powders in the two-kilogram bag of Whey Protein and one-kilogram pouch of ISO Zero. Again, the repackaging into resealable bags will eventually spread acrosss to every size and flavor of those supplements.
According to Life Pro Nutrition, there are a couple of reasons it’s doing this, including the fact that they’re more environmentally friendly, lowering its overall CO2 emissions, and they take up less space, which is great when storing it all in the warehouse. There are a few varieties live on the Life Pro website, alongside the many other flavors still in tubs, but either way, you go, you get all of the ingredients and nutrition.