Gorilla Mind has a massive giveaway lined up for visitors of the Arnold Sports Festival, for an item that is almost essential for everyday drinkers of the Gorilla Mind Energy Drink or really any sort of energizing beverage for that matter. Basically, every purchase made at Gorilla Mind’s booth this weekend in Columbus, Ohio, will go in the draw to win one of its sleek, stylish, and custom miniature refrigerators, which has enough space for about 20 traditional 16oz cans, whether that’s Gorilla Mind or something else.
You do get a single entry per purchase of a product from Gorilla Mind at the Arnold Expo, meaning the more you grab, the better chance you have of taking home that custom-branded miniature cooler. There is also a QR code to enter online, where you throw in your email and phone number to get yourself in the running. If you can’t scan the code, you can just go to this website address here, just make sure you do so before midday Sunday, which is when Gorilla Mind will be drawing and reaching out to the lucky individual.