It’s been an interesting past year or so at Bang Energy; after being acquired by the energy drink giant Monster it revealed it would be downsizing its selection of flavors and then ramped up distribution to rebuild its presence across the country. Since then, we got the first real piece of excitement and innovation from the new Bang brand as the first-ever extension to the beverage’s menu was announced, and by that, we mean the first flavor with Bang coming from Monster.
The newest flavor of the Bang Energy Drink is a sour candy experience called Sour Ropes, inspired by the classic long, colorful, and sour rope or strip candy. The latest on the product is an exact launch date, as you’ll finally be able to get your hands on the beverage in two day’s time, on Monday of next week. The Sour Ropes Bang Energy looks to take fans for a trip down memory lane, promising a sweet and tart candy taste reminiscent of the candy ropes from your younger days.
Bang continues all of its usual highlights in the Sour Ropes Bang Energy, having absolutely no sugar, low calories, and its many active ingredients, including electrolytes, b vitamins, coq10, essential amino acids, and its signature 300mg of caffeine. You can actually grab Sour Ropes on launch day straight from Amazon at $26.49 for a case of a dozen cans, in fact, if you head to Amazon’s product page at this very moment, you can get in early and place a pre-order.