The NeoBar is NeoSupps’ competitor in the protein bar category, which is extensively competitive in its local European market. The build of the product is right around most others with a dense and doughy base, then across the top is a flavorful gooey layer, and all covered in rich milk chocolate, with a classic 20g of protein per piece. Until today, there were three flavors available for the NeoBar, with Milky Crisp, Hazelnut Crisp, and a traditional sweet and smooth Cookies & Cream.
NeoSupps has dropped a new flavor of the NeoBar today, adding a nice piece of change compared to those other three with Peanut Caramel, blending crunchy peanuts, salty gooey caramel, and again, that covering of delicious milk chocolate. You get a reliable 20g of muscle-building protein per piece, a little under that in carbohydrates at 19g, less than 2g of sugar, 8.4g of fat, and 204 calories. One of the great things about functional foods in Europe is you can buy them singularly, and you can do that for the NeoBar and its new flavor from neosupps.com at €2.39 or €2.22 each for a box.