Ghost Energy has become one of the biggest competitors in the energy drink arena, and it did so carrying over essentially all of the core principles it established in its sports nutrition supplements with reliable efficacy, great taste, and top branding. Ghost’s star beverage provides a great boost in energy with its moderate level of caffeine plus focus and clarity from the nootropics that are in there, and of course, it has a host of tasty options on the menu, many of them being authentic collaborations.
During its time in the game, Ghost Energy has put together various flavors and versions that are not as available as others. Certain products are only available in specific countries and markets, and one of those is the incredibly elusive Original Ghost Energy, introduced as an on-premises-only offering, meaning you only get it at places where you also consume it. Original offers a very unique and distinct taste, with nothing you can really compare it to, although that is the point of this particular extension.
Ghost has shared an update that could be the best New Year’s news so far, especially for energy drink connoisseurs, and it is that the Original Ghost Energy Drink is finally got its long-awaited public launch. The brand has not gone into too much detail, but has said it will be able to be found out in the wild shortly, and the picture it’s shared supports that. In the development, we get a video showing off Original, Sour Patch Blue Raspberry, and Sour Patch Redberry in the small, Red Bull-like, on-premises-only 8.4oz version of Ghost Energy individually and in packs of four cans.
Based on the vague bits and pieces of information Ghost has put out into the universe, it looks as though the award-winning brand is dropping four-packs of Original and the two Sour Patch collaborations paired, into retailers, as that is usually where you find those bundles. Again, this is the 8.4oz version of Ghost Energy, not the original 16oz or a 12oz. It is roughly half the size, with all of the same ingredients and dosages although halved, bringing the caffeine down to 100mg alongside all the focus components.