Reputable bodybuilding coach AJ Sims has been in the business of supplements for some time, and you may remember the first time his name was mentioned here at Stack3d regarding Absolute Supps. That brand definitely stuck to the more advanced and potent side of sports nutrition, packing its products full of reliable ingredients and hefty dosages. AJ Sims and Absolute have since evolved into the modern-looking and equally impressive formulation-wise Cement Factory Nutrition.
As much as Absolute Supps was a line worth checking out, that is even more the case for Cement as it’s more simply referred to, which enters a wider variety of categories with that same fully and carefully formulated approach. Something we like to do and have said many times before is it’s always best to judge a brand by its pre-workout and you can certainly do that here. Alongside Cement’s long-running fat burner Fat Free and Gut Revival is the stacked pre-workout Full Churn.
AJ Sims’ Cement Factory Nutrition actually refers to Full Churn as a smart pre-workout, and reightfully so as it is packed full of nootropic ingredients to elevate focus and drive, but it’s not in a manner that tips the balance too much in that direction. There is a whole host of energy, performance, and pump components in Full Churn that not to sound gimmicky, but make it a smart choice with the number of pre-workouts on the market.

Cement Factory Nutrition’s Full Churn doesn’t hold back in variety featuring citrulline, Nitrosigine, agmatine, and VasoDrive for enhancing muscle pumps, all at respectable dosages, plus a complete 2g of the PeakO2 to power-up performance, taurine, and the quality electrolyte source, pink Himalayan salt. In the area of energy and focus, you get just as much to push you through your workout with huperzine, alpha-gpc, DMAE, 2g of tyrosine, alpha yohimbine, and a more moderate amount of caffeine compared to the heights of the competition at a combined 225mg in a maximum serving.
You can see the complete facts panel for the smart pre-workout Full Churn in the image above, and again, that complex approach to the most competitive category in sports nutrition, echoes throughout Cement Factory Nutrition’s other offerings, including Vita Core, Fat Free, Gut Revival, and more. You can check out everything the brand from AJ Sims has to offer at cementfactory.co and of course purchase anything through there too at reasonable prices, including Full Churn at $49.99.