Huge Supplements has redone its arachidonic acid supplement Arachidone, which is one of our go-to muscle building ingredients, for its ability to essentially get more out of your workout by way of activating inflammation during and after your workout for greater recovery and muscle growth. Arachidonic acid is something we’ve heard people either love or hate, and now, Huge’s Arachidone, reliant entirely on the ingredient, has been made significantly better using the kind of arachdonic acid you should be looking for.
Previously, Huge Supplements Arachidone came in capsule format, which may not sound like an issue but it makes a significant difference. The standardization of powder or capsule arachdonic acid is significantly worse than when it comes in softgels. The powder typically lands around 10% actual arachdonic acid, and a lot of products with that don’t tend to mention that. Softgels however, go all the way up to 40%, four times the standardization, and it is that format that Huge and Arachidone have officially switched over to.
Huge Supplements’ 2025 edition or Arachidone has half a gram of its main ingredient per softgel, and at 40% yield that comes out to 200mg of arachdonic acid. The recommended dosage sits around a gram to 1.5g, so you’ll need to throw down about five to seven pills, and with 120 per bottle, you get 24 servings in the full-size bottle of the refreshed Arachidone. It’s a much more efficacious and better value supplement than the original, and you can grab it directly from the brand’s onlilne store at $44.95, currently discounted down to $31.45, a solid price for an ingredient we’ve relied on for several years.