Eleat recently shared the coming of a completely new product that didn’t have a name or even a brief description, only that it has 20g of protein per serving, and that serving is a rather hefty 80g a piece. We’ve now got a bit more insight as to what the creative functional food company has up its sleeve, and while it is more, it still leaves a lot of things to the imagination. We’re sticking with the idea that it’s a food, similar to the Eleat Protein Cereal and Granola, but we still don’t know the type.
In addition to the 20g of protein in an 80g serving, Eleat has revealed that the mystery upcoming innovation is also gluten-free, high in fiber, low in sugar, completely plant-based, and all-natural. Interestingly, all of those features are true for the brand’s signature Protein Cereal, with soy isolate providing the protein and stevia taking responsibility for the sweetening. That further puts us in the mindset that this is some sort of food and we are putting our money on a protein cream of rice.
We can’t see Eleat finding another format to make a third breakfast-style food, leaving us on the idea that with an 80g serving and 20g of protein, it’ll potentially be shooting for meal style macros for another or any time of day. A cream of rice infused with soy isolate would make sense, giving you the extra protein alongside the quality carbohydrates. We can either be right or wrong, and we look forward to finding out which one we are shortly, as the launch of the product is just two short weeks away.