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Big makes take-away trial-size bags of its signature Only Whey protein

Big Travel Bags Only Whey

Smaller sizes aren’t always the greatest when it comes to value; in fact, almost every time, they cost more per serving. They do have their upsides, however, as depending on how small they get, they give you the ability to try out the supplement, find out if you like a particular flavor, or you might be traveling and only need a handful of servings for the next few days. Big in Spain has launched miniature pouches of its signature Only Whey Zero, and it’s being promoted via that last method, as a convenient travel option.

Big’s whey-based protein powder Only Whey Zero was already available in two traditional tub sizes in 1kg and 2kg, as well as sample packs. The brand now gives consumers two travel sizes, both at the small end of the scale in a moderately sized bag with 250g packing eight servings and a twice-as-big half kilogram with 16 servings. They are only available in authentic flavor collaborations, including Cacaolat, Lacasitos, and various Conguitos creations like Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, and Chocolate Cookie.

You get all of the same nutrition and ingredients in the smaller Only Whey Zero pouches, with a lean 22g of protein per serving from high-quality Lacprodan whey concentrate, low carbohydrates around 3g, about 2g of fat, and 120 or so calories. As mentioned above, smaller sizes are usually less cost-effective and that rings true here with the 250g at €10.55 direct, and the marginally better-value double-sized 500g at €20.50.

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