Applied Nutrition, or AN Performance as the international brand is known here in the US, just made its way onto shelves at The Vitamin Shoppe, although not with the selection of supplements you may have discovered it through. The sports nutrition company put together a completely new and exclusive series of products specifically for the major retailer consisting of four complex and premium innovations in the pre-workout Pre, Hybrid Protein, Hydration, and the PeptiStrong-infused Creatine Peptide.
Despite that family of supplements only recently becoming available at The Vitamin Shoppe, AN Performance has just added to it by way of a very special edition flavor or family of flavors, all authentic collaborations. The brand has actually got together with the banana legend Chiquita, which sells over ten billion bananas a year. AN Performance and Chiquita have teamed up for a handful of fruity flavors for its Vitamin Shoppe-exclusive products, but they’re not all banana-based like you may have expected.
AN Performance’s white-branded selection of supplements now involves authentic Chiquita Strawberry Pineapple flavors of Pre, Zero Caffeine Pre, and Hydration. Then, for the anticipated banana involvement, the health and nutrition brand has Chiquita Chocolate Banana and Peanut Butter Banana flavors of Hybrid Protein. You can purchase any of the collaborations from AN Performance and Chiquita on The Vitamin Shoppe’s website, where they’re currently on sale at $39.99 each except Hydration down at $31.99.