N8 is a sports nutrition company out of Malaysia that dabbles in different categories, primarily focusing on performance and recovery with amino acids, protein supplements, and carbohydrate-fueling formulas. One of those items is the Refuel Energy Gel, a traditional squeeze gel product that is packed full of fructose, maltodextrin, and palatinose to power you through your workout. The brand has rolled out a similar but alternative supplement this month in the Recharge Energy Gel.
The newly released Recharge Energy Gel from Malaysia’s N8 has a similar sort of base, where you get plenty of carbohydrates to support endurance, performance, and recovery. There are 43.8g of carbs in Recharge coming from maltodextrin and dextrose, but it is what’s alongside all of that where things get different. The supplement company has also thrown in a few performance and pump and performance components by way of citrulline at 3g, a full 3.2mg of beta-alanine, and 3.1g of classic arginine.
To some extent, N8’s Recharge Energy Gel is a pre-workout energy gel, built to support similar effects to a standard bulk supplement from that category, but in a pouch that you can rip open, squeeze, and reap the benefits by throwing it down your throat. Interestingly, while Refuel comes in a bunch of familiar flavors like Apple, Orange, Berry, and Lychee, it’s not straightforward for Recharge Energy Gel, which is available in the one Assam Boi flavor, inspired by Malaysia’s classic salted sour plum treat.