Misfit is one of the younger players in the energy drink space, although you may not think that when you see the rather complex formula it has powering its flagship beverage and the massive array of flavors it has to choose from. The newcomer has been building its presence, following, and reach over the last year, and it certainly deserves a look with the ingredients it’s brought together in the Misfit Energy Drink as combined, they go beyond energy, additionally supporting focus, clarity, and cognition.
The beverage from Misfit features several of your usual suspects in b vitamins, a strong amount of caffeine at 225mg in a 16oz can, glucuronolactone, inositol, and a gram of another common energy drink component in taurine. Alongside all of that, the brand has a whole lot more to offer, and this is where it separates itself from the rest of the pack. On top of the caffeine, vitamins, and all of that, is half a gram of the metabolism-boosting carnitine, 2g of Kyowa quality citrulline, 100mg of Alphawave theanine, and the star of the show for the focus and cognition support is a full 250mg of Cognizin citicoline.
To top it all off, the Misfit energy drink keeps things nice and clean on the nutrition side, where there is absolutely no sugar, carbohydrates, or calories in an entire can, and that goes for each and every one of its flavors. As mentioned, there are several tastes to choose from for the beverage, including Key Lime Donut, Strawberry Bubble, Limelight, Pixie Dust, and Blue Rizzberry, plus five others.
There are several great features to Misfit and its self-titled Misfit Energy Drink, and they don’t end at the wide variety of flavors and complex formula elevating energy and mental focus. The brand makes the buying experience another key part by selling individual cans through its website at an extremely reasonable $2.89 each. You can essentially build your own case for $34.89, or and even decide how many you actually want per order and the very fair price of $2.89 each remains exactly the same.