Inspired, a typically complex and always reliable supplement specialist has officially launched its standalone creatine product as part of the new INRx Essentials Series. The unflavored creatine monohydrate supplement is very different from the nitrate-fueled CR3 creatine the brand has had out there for years, with this offering consumers a more straightforward option. Initially, it was confirmed that the INRx Creatine would be dropping in two sizes, a common 300g and then a month’s supply of150g.
To start, Inspired has just the smaller of the two previously confirmed sizes of the supplement on the market, in a 150g tub of Creatine for the INRx Essential Series, and again, it is unflavored, giving you the freedom to throw it in the likes of your pre-workout or post-workout protein shake. The product’s price directly through the brand’s online store is on the moderate side of things at $24.99, again for a month’s supply of 30 servings, which isn’t the lowest out there nor the highest and is within reason.