FA Nutrition in Poland is home to many different brands for different audiences and walks of life, not to the scale of the likes of Glanbia, Iovate, or even Doug Miller’s family, but similar spread with several lines on the market. Right at the close of the year, the umbrella company has dropped another competitor that goes by the name Guarilla and it is starting out with two category-named products in Energy and Amino, and there are already plans to rapidly expand upon that.
Guarilla has an intense look and feel to it, featuring outrageous eye-catching graphics that vary from supplement to supplement but keep some consistency where you get a mouth creatively wrapping around the name of the brand. The first two products are, again, relatively self-explanatory, with Energy being a pre-workout that brings together moderate to low dosages of familiar ingredients like choline, caffeine, tyrosine, betaine, and creatine, which sits at a rather sad half a gram a serving.

As for Guarilla’s Amino, that one is a bit more impressive when it comes to dosages, as you get 8g of all nine EAAs to support muscle recovery and repair, plus glutamine, arginine, and a dose of electrolytes to additionally help with hydration and performance. Energy and Amino are the first two items from Guarilla, and we’ve got confirmation on three more innovations to follow in Hydro Cooler, and the functional foods, Protein Chips and the Guarilla Protein Bar.
As mentioned, FA Nutrition and Guarilla are Polish, and it is in that part of the world, as well as other surrounding European countries, that sports nutrition consumers will see the colorful newcomer showing up on shelves. You can go straight to FA’s online store where it lists and sells all of the brands and products it makes. Through there, the cost of Energy and Amino are competitively priced at zł69 (16.80 USD) for the former and zł79 (19.23 USD) for the latter.