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Gains In Bulk’s drops another flavor of Lean Protein during its savings and release spree

Gains In Bulk Strawberry Shortcake Lean Protein

Gains In Bulk’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday event has been a little different than most, although it does involve a lot of the same things. It is offering a hefty discount, like almost every other sports nutrition company at 20%. In addition to the immense savings, the brand has been releasing a host of all-new products, including the GDA-type marketed gut health concoction Total Digest, the first Gains In Bulk pre-workout No Matter What, and now an additional flavor of the protein powder Lean Protein.

Lean protein is Gains In Bulk’s blend style protein powder; although it isn’t your traditional blend of various whey sources or even milk, it relies on whey isolate and hydrolyzed collagen to provide 20g of protein a serving, and the brand transparently notes that there is 5g of collagen, so it doesn’t rely a huge amount on the ingredient. The injection of collagen does help lean out the nutrition profile, resulting in just 2g of carbohydrates, none of that sugar, a gram of fat, and a double-figure calorie count of 90.

Again, Gains In Bulk has launched an all-new flavor of Lean Protein for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, with the original chocolate brownie-like option called Brownie, being joined by Strawberry Shortcake, inspired by the traditional dessert of the same name. The brand’s promotion during the annual sales frenzy drops Lean Protein from its rather pricey $65 for a bag of 27 servings to $52, but keep in mind those servings have only 20g of protein, not the usual 25g, which is always a factor worth considering in protein powder.