The energy drink category is extensive, where we may share news and updates on as many as we know of and see come to market, there are still plenty that are out there that we only gradually come across organically or via contact, and put the spotlight on. F3 Energy is one of those competitors that has been around for a while but offers an intriguing approach to the space by way of two beverages, both clean and mildly colorful, but they each have their own set of benefits and effects.
The original flagship F3 Energy Drink features a very performance or sports nutrition type blend of ingredients, with a variety of b vitamins, ginkgo biloba and theanine for focus and clarity, the three all-important BCAAs to support muscle recovery, and 120mg of natural caffeine for energy. Vitamins and caffeine are the only key ingredients we get exact dosages of, although going off of the ingredients list, we do know there are more BCAAs than caffeine, but not more than the amount of natural flavors and citric acid.

The other product from F3 Energy is what gives it a bit of an edge and alternative angle over its mountain of competitors, and that is F3 Mood Drink. This is not just a stimulant-free version or anything like that; it is an entirely separate beverage to help you relax, unwind, destress, and get a good night’s sleep. The brand has stacked this one with vitamin d, magnesium, theanine, BCAAs again, and a handful of common sleep aids in valerian root, chamomile, and one of our favorites, GABA.
No matter which one you go with, F3 Energy Drink or F3 Mood Drink, there isn’t any sugar, carbohydrates, or calories, making the products completely guilt-free and giving you only the benefits. There are four flavors available for each beverage, including the likes of Original and Tropical Theory for Energy and Pina Colada and Orangesicle for Mood. Regardless of the product you’re feeling, the stimulation of Energy or relaxation of Mood, through f3energy.com, they’re both $32.99 for a pack of 12.