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Earth Fed Muscle makes a snickerdoodle protein powder for Christmas named Ol’ St Ripped

Earth Fed Muscle Ol St Ripped

Earth Fed Muscle is spreading some holiday cheer with a festive addition to its signature muscle-building protein powder, Grass-Fed Whey Protein. The limited-time flavor is playfully dubbed Ol’ St. Ripped, and it features the warm, comforting taste of snickerdoodle cookies to fitness enthusiasts this Christmas season. To make for an authentic flavor experience, the brand has gone and mixed in ground cinnamon, but still listing high-end grass-fed whey isolate as the lone provider of protein.

The newly released Ol’ St Ripped maintains the clean nutrition profile of Grass-Fed Whey Protein, giving you a solid 24g of fast-absorbing protein per serving, no fat, 3g of carbohydrates with next to none of that sugar, and a damn good calorie count of 110. You can grab the presumably on-point Ol’ St Ripped Snickerdoodle protein powder straight from Earth Fed Muscle’s website, where before any sort of deal or discount, you’ll pay $64.99 for a bottle of 30 servings, and be quick, as it is only here for a limited time.