If you’ve been a longtime fan of Christian Guzman’s 3D Energy Drink, especially going all the way back to the beginning when it was called Up Energy Drink and it came in a sleek white bottle, you will have seen the beverage brand go through far more than most. From the switch to 3D Energy and traditional 16oz cans to the mountain of untouchable flavors it put together and domestic distribution across the United Kingdom, Guzman’s energy drink has been a ride.
Fans may have also noticed a drastic change in the availability of the 3D Energy Drink, going from major outlets, including the health and nutrition giant GNC, to being something consumers discover at Dollar Tree. There were never really any answers throughout all of the ebbs and flows until now when Christian Guzman uploaded an end-to-end explainer. The video titled “What ACTUALLY Happened To 3D” goes through absolutely everything and genuinely explains why each of the things that we saw with 3D Energy happened.
Many of the shifts and changes with 3D Energy Drink seemed to have come from two previous owners, each with 20% equity versus Guzman’s majority of 60%. Back in the beginning of Up Energy or 3D Energy, those two individuals came on board to help with distribution of the beverage and as fans of it will know, they did incredibly well. The energy drink found its way into a host of premier placements, but it was when the partners started other projects that things became difficult.
They were owners in Alani Nu, which went on to make an energy drink, but more notably, they helped start Prime with Logan Paul and KSI. Prime did, of course, go on to make an energy drink of its own to go alongside its original Prime Hydration Drink, a product that Christian Guzman felt contained a lot of the DNA from 3D Energy Drink. Either way, all of that is in the past, as he has found a new family to drive his vision in Dom Iacovone, Chris Bumstead, and Matt Thompson from Raw Nutrition.
As we’ve mentioned a few times over the past few weeks, 3D Energy has a lot of excitement and developments coming next year, and Christian Guzman goes even deeper into that in his in-depth 15-minute video. Big changes that are coming include a move to a 12oz can, no more full-size 16oz, no artificial colors, and a bunch of new flavors alongside several previously released flavors but with refined recipes for an even better taste experience.