Max Protein’s sister brand Big is much more into health and nutrition supplements, especially sports nutrition, making comeptitors for many of the key categories that side of the industry is familiar with in protein powders, pre-workout, amino acids, and weight loss. It is the last area on that list the brand is giving some attention this week by way of a very specific fat-burning product, more of a fat burning aid with Real Apetistop, a formula dedicated entirely to reducing and controlling appetite.
Real Apetistop by Big is a natural appetite suppressant designed to, in turn, improve fat loss and weight management. All of the innovation’s ingredients work together synergistically to reduce appetite, promote early satiety, and curb cravings for high-fat and sugary foods. By modulating neuropeptides and hormones, the supplement accelerates feelings of fullness during meals and supports adherence to calorie-deficit diets, which are critical tools to have when it comes to losing weight.
The main ingredients Big has packed into Real Apetistop include the premium DNF-10 hydrolyzed brewer’s yeast at half a gram a serving, known for its ability in this particular arena; Metabolaid and its extracts lemon verbena and hibiscus flower, also at 500mg; and finally 60mg saffron extract. The Spanish brand is relying heavily on some genuinely reliable components with DNF-10 and Metabolaid, both proven to support weight management, and helping drive Real Apetistop and its goals.
Big and Real Apetistop have arrived just in time for the holidays, one of the more difficult times of year to control appetite with the well-presented and craving-filled feasts with the family. While that is something that is probably already well underway, you can head over to the brand’s online store and get your hands on a bottle at a reasonable direct price of €32.90 (34.20 USD) for enough servings to last a typical month.