AI Energy has been making headlines almost every week over the last month or so, with availability at its first specialty retailer in Tiger Fitness as well as its promise to swap in premium and highly effective Cognizin citicoline into every can of the AI Energy Drink. The brand and beverage have only really been on the market for a few weeks, and as we are just a couple of days away from Christmas, the energy drink from Jack Owoc has some more excitement to share.
One of the most significant pieces of the puzzle at Bang Energy when Jack Owoc was building and bringing it up in the fast-paced world of energy drinks was influencers. The brand had partnerships with many big names that were regularly featured on its social media accounts, and it had its beverage in posts from those individuals. It’s no surprise that only a few weeks into business, AI Energy has brought on some influencers, in fact, one of them was from Bang Energy.
Firstly, Jack Owoc and his emerging AI Energy have got together with Davy Michael, who once competed in NBC’s Titan Games as well as WWE’s Tough Enough, and secondly, you have Vanesa Seco. Seco has a staggering 1.1 million followers on Instagram and just over double that on TikTok and is mainly known for her shuffling skills. You may recall seeing her in several Bang Energy posts back when Jack Owoc was in charge, and now we’re in for that again at AI Energy.
Again, it’s no surprise that AI Energy is going this route with Jack Owoc at the helm, but it is surprising to see how quickly the energy drink company has taken action. Even more so, these aren’t just micro-influencers are unknown names, they have quite the audience, and again, all within the first month of the nootropic-powered AI Energy Drink being available.