It wouldn’t be a Black Friday celebration without something from the team at the gaming supplement company in the United Kingdom Sneak, which has pumped out some memorable drops over the years, especially for the annual sales event. You may remember the year the creative brand decided to boycott Black Friday essentially, wanting to blank it out entirely, so it did a special edition flavor of its signature supplement and called it Blankberry, featuring absolutely no details on its bottle.
Sneak is getting in on the Black Friday action this year, and to go with its deals and discounts for the occasion, it has put together a limited edition flavor of Sneak Energy called Voidberry, blending together red berries and dragonfruit. To add even more to the celebration, Sneak is bringing back two of its past Black Friday drops in Bitberry Limeade and Pixel Punch, initially released a few years ago in 2021, although, for their return, they are in cylinder bottles, not the original squares.
Sneak is launching all of its Black Friday edition products on the day itself, not a week or a few weeks early, as we’ve been seeing from a few other supplement companies out there. That means you’ve got about a week and a bit before you’ll need to head over to sneakenergy.com and place your order. We’re not sure what kind of deal the brand will have going on for the event, but we imagine there will be something, including some special edition accessories, with a shaker and mousepad.