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MuscleTech’s highly successful Creatine Chews has expanded into other major markets

Muscletech Australia Creatine Chews

Creatine Chews has become one of MuscleTech’s more popular sports nutrition supplements, but it hasn’t been in as many places as the legacy company can famously be found. For those not aware, MuscleTech is one of the most widely available brands in the industry, being present in more than 150 different countries, including the highly competitive European and Australian markets. As we approach the end of the year, the brand is expanding Creatine Chews into other parts of the world, building on its initial success.

MuscleTech has revealed it is currently moving Creatine Chews into the United Kingdom, several European countries, including France, Poland, Spain, and Germany, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The supplement is precisely the same as what you get here in the US, with a tub of 90 chewable tablets in a Citrus Burst flavor. Each chewable has a gram of high-end Creapure creatine monohydrate for muscle strength, performance, and power, working out to 30 servings when taking three for a 3g hit of creatine.