We always enjoy seeing newcomers to the wonderful world of sports nutrition, and one of the most recent brands we’ve come across is SuppDawg, from a first responder and veteran competitive lifter who has been competing for over a decade. The brand is not that old, having been around for almost a year, but it has managed to come a long way, debuting with two products, both of them pre-workouts, and it has since expanded to four with a fat burner and a sleep aid.
Pre-workouts are where SuppDawg started, but as we always say, they’re a great way to judge a brand and what is likely to be its approach and strategy in other parts of the sports nutrition industry. As mentioned, the newcomer does have two pre-workouts to choose from, Shock Collar and Bite Down, and you can use them together, as one is backed by stimulants and the other doesn’t have any stimulants.
The formula powering Shock Collar is very comprehensive, covering all of your bases with support for energy, focus, pumps, and performance, and at any point where you may need a bit of extra pump and focus, you can stack it with Bite Down. For pumps, SuppDawg has 6g of straight citrulline plus 1.5g each of glycerol and the premium and proven Nitrosigine. For performance there is a gram of taurine and a full 3.2g of beta-alanine, then rounding it out for the energy and focus portions, you have theobromine, huperzine, yohimbine, and a strong 400mg of caffeine.

As mentioned, Shock Collar is very well rounded, bringing together all sorts of reliable ingredients commonly found in pre-workouts to drive the core benefits of energy, focus, pumps, and performance. It doesn’t really go too much to one side or area, and again, you can stack it with Bite Down to boost focus and pumps. That comprehensive formulation style does continue into SuppDawg’s other offerings, Bite Down being one, as well as the fat burner HotDawg and nighttime solution Ruff Night.
You can read more about SuppDawg and all of its supplements on its website at suppdawgsupps.com, and you can buy everything it has available through there. Pricing on the products is reasonable, starting as low as $34.99 for Ruff Night, then moving up to HotDawg and Bite Down at $39.99 each, then you have the star of the show, Shock Collar, at $44.99, and all of that is before discount from any sales or coupons.