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Supplement Needs reveals the features of its performance facility and is pre-selling memberships

The reputable retailer and brand Supplement Needs, which makes some absolutely impressive products under its house line, is edging closer and closer to the opening of its highly-anticipated health and fitness facility built in a giant 7,246 sq ft space in Poole. It is going to be loaded with absolutely everything you need for optimal performance, recovery, and health, including a top-of-the-line gym filled with quality equipment from Primal Strength for any sort of workout or exercise.

The promising facility now has a name, and it’s not too far from Supplement Needs itself with the Supplement Needs Hub or SN Hub. While that was how it was referred to previously, it is official, and we’ve got a lot more information about what’s inside the center. There will be a complete recovery suite, a physio room, an actual clinic, cafe, supplement store, posing room, and a seminar space. It is loaded, to say the least, but again, it gives you absolutely anything you could ever need.

We’re excited to see what it’s like in person and will be planning a trip to the SN Hub when its doors have opened. The facility is going to be a strong destination gym, similar to the Redcon1 Gym and Alphaland, but this is in the United Kingdom, and it looks like it’ll be well worth visiting. The health and nutrition store, supplement company, and now gym are currently offering pre-sale memberships, and they’re extremely reasonable considering everything you get at £49.95 a month.

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