Infinis Nutrition has been building towards Black Friday and the Cyber Monday sales weekend for the last few weeks, revealing several all-new innovations that are officially launching today. Throughout those announcements, we had not heard anything about the sort of savings it would be offering for the event, but that has finally come in, with the sale itself going live in just over an hour. Again, all of the entirely new supplements it’s shared recently are being released and will be live for the promotion.
The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale from Infinis Nutrition is a substantial 30% off everything, and that is a huge amount from a premium supplement company that already has competitive prices considering everything it throws into its carefully crafted products. Say you’re looking at any of the items at $59.99 or even $49.99, they instantly come down to $41.99 and $34.99, respectively. As is the case with most Black Friday sales at brands, it is the best time to stock up months in advance.
The one piece of information you need to remember for Infinis Nutrition’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale is the coupon code “BFCM”, as you need that to get the 30% discount. It works on everything; plus, if your order hits $100, you get free shipping, and at $125, you also get a free shaker. While you have until Monday to drop by infinisnutrition.com and make your purchase, we suggest getting in sooner rather than later, as we imagine some of the brand’s most highly-anticipated items will go quickly, like its pre-workouts Cosmic Pre and the loaded Infinite Pre.