The creatine category has blown up over the last year or so; not only have we seen the competitiveness in pricing come down a lot, but we’ve seen more brands do larger sizes, the introduction of flavored products, and the infusion of creatine into other formats. Creatine foods have definitely become a common thing, including protein bars with the strength and performance ingredient, and beverages with a dose of classic creatine, but the biggest one we’ve seen a rise in is creatine gummies.
Bucked Up has just jumped on the creatine gummy trend with Creatine Gummy Bucks, where in a serving of four tasty gummy candies, you get a full 5g dose of tried and true creatine monohydrate for muscle strength and size. These are gummies, so you do get some carbohydrates, but not too much at 8g in that four-piece serving with 30 calories. To give them a unique twist, the gummies are in the shape of bucks, as per the name, so they’re not the usual gummy bears or rounded gummies.
You can get a full 24-serving bag of Bucked Up’s new Creatine Gummy Bucks straight from its online store at $34.99 in your choice of five fruity, tasty flavors in Knockout Punch, Tropic Thunder, Blue Blast, Melon Madness, and Raspberry Blitz. The creatine gummies have arrived during the brand’s Black Friday sale, where everything is half price using the coupon 50OFF. That brings Creatine Bucks down to a much more reasonable $18.48, and you’ll get free shipping if your order hits $75.