Brian Shaw’s brand Undefined Nutrition has gradually grown over the years, not adding anything over frequently but certainly expanding at a consistent long-term pace by way of supplements for all-new categories and flavor extensions for already available items. Undefined added to its selection around this time last year with an entry into the sleep space by way of Sleep XT, and to close out this month, it is getting into the business of collagen with the relatively straightforward Collagen Peptides.
Undefined Nutrition’s Collagen Peptides is as clean and cut as it gets, featuring a solid 20g of its title ingredient per serving, working out to 18g of protein, plus biotin and hyaluronic acid to comprehensively support hair, skin, nail, and joint health. Again, it is a relatively simple supplement with the exception of maybe the hyaluronic acid, giving fans a bit more to play with and benefit from than collagen all by itself, and it keeps the nutrition profile light, as there are no carbohydrates and just 95 calories.
To give fans options, Undefined Nutrition has launched Collagen Peptides in two options: a decadent Milk Chocolate Truffle for convenient use all on its own and for those that prefer to mix their collagen with something, there is the neutral Unflavored. Either way you go, Brian Shaw’s brand sells tubs of the health and wellness supplement at $39.99, and they both have 28 servings a tub, despite the collagen having a bit more weight to its serving.