The brand Feral Supplements, from the fitness influencers The Tren Twins, isn’t all that old, but it has made a statement and become a go-to obviously for fans of the twins, Christian and Michael Gaiera. The sports nutrition company has four products to choose from, all common category competitors in two pre-workouts, stim and stim-free, protein powder, and cream of rice. Feral is now teasing something for launch in a little less than two weeks, right around Halloween on Wednesday, the 30th of this month.
Feral Supplements is not saying much of anything about the mystery product; all we see is a zombie or mutant-looking face on the front of a tubed powder formula, and that is it. While we don’t have a lot to go off, we’re guessing it’s a special edition Halloween-themed flavor of its potent stimulant pre-workout Feral Stim. The design of the product looks very Halloween-specific, with a slight twist on the dog face the pre-workout usually has, and the curvature of the label gives it a similar sort of shape as Feral Stim.
Only time will tell if we’re at all right or close with our guess at the mystery, seemingly Halloween-edition drop from the Tren Twins and Feral Supplements, and the official launch is not far away. Again, the brand is promoting Wednesday, the 30th of this month as the big day, which is just 11 days from today.