ATP Science in Australia makes a reliable variety of health and nutrition supplements, as well as some functional foods, in particular, the Collagen Jelly Bar and the Collagen Marshmallow Bar. Both of them are high in protein, all of which comes from multi-benefit collagen, and feature consistencies matching their names with the jelly bar genuinely feeling like jelly and marshmallow, a deliciously soft mallow feel. The brand down under has now brought those two together to create the Collagen Fusion Bar.
The Collagen Fusion Bar from ATP Science is a completely new functional innovation that features a chocolate coating around the outside, like the Collagen Jelly and Collagen Marshmallow Bars. Where it gets different and feeds into the “Fusion” name is underneath the chocolate are two layers: one jelly and the other marshmallow. The result is a bar that gives you 20g of collagen-powered protein split between a sweet berry-flavored jelly layer and a more spongy smooth vanilla layer of marshmallow.
The intriguing and innovative merger of ATP Science’s Collagen Jelly and Collagen Marshmallow Bars comes in one flavor at the moment in Berry Vanilla, although we hope this finds success, as it could really create some amazing experiences with the ability to put two tastes and textures in one. The nutrition on the product is not bad at 20g of protein, 4.2g of fat, 8.8g of carbohydrates, and a lean 170 calories, mostly thanks to the use of collagen, and it’s available direct in singles and boxes of 12.