Mountain Dew had a good run in energy drinks by way of MTN DEW Rise, eventually becoming MTN DEW Energy in its later years. The beverage packed a respectable formula, clean nutrition, and, best of all, great flavor. The giant did end up discontinuing the entire line and directed everyone to the other energy drink under its umbrella, Rockstar. This week, we’ve got something directly from Mountain Dew that is well worth sharing and knowing if you’re a fan of the long-standing and absolute giant brand.
Energy drink connoisseurs who enjoy the company’s other caffeinated offerings, like MTN DEW Kickstart, may be interested in getting themselves into the official Mountain Dew Time Zone. The company is making a massive push to promote the time zone, obviously due to the similarity in name, and apparently, people in that part of the country are 6% happier. It is very easy just to support a time zone or even call it Mountain Dew Time, although again, there is a big push here and there is a reward to get involved.
Through until the end of the year, the 31st of December, Mountain Dew is giving absolutely anyone who ventures into Mountain Dew Time via plane, car, or even on foot, a coupon for a free 20oz bottle of MTN DEW. If this is something you plan on doing or are already in the time zone, head to the dedicated website, throw in your details, and redeem your coupon. It can be used for any flavor of MTN DEW, so long as it’s a 20z size, and you’re one of the first 35,000, as the whole thing ends once that limit is hit.