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Strong Nation creator secures a huge ₹20 million investment to support its growth and innovation

Strong Nation Investment Company

Strong Nation is one of the most interesting and intriguing sports nutrition companies emerging out of the fast-growing market in India, differentiating itself in a number of ways. Not only does the relatively young but stand-out brand cover all of the important and several specialized categories, it brings advanced formulations to each of those spaces; not something you see often in India. When it comes to growth, sometimes extra help is beneficial and very necessary to continue moving upward.

As impressive of a brand and catalog as Strong Nation has built, there is still plenty of room in the Indian market for it to take over and gain even more ground, not to mention the potential of it to head overseas and step into other countries. To ensure that growth continues and Strong Nation’s success trajectory remains on track, it has secured a sizeable amount of funding via the Mumbai-based venture capital company VSure Investment Affairs, at a huge investment of ₹20,000,000 (238,363 USD).

The partnership is with Strong Nation’s umbrella company, True Pharm Labs, and it will be putting that funding from VSure Investment Affairs towards scaling its group of brands, including the sports nutrition specialist Strong Nation, as well as going toward even more innovation and product launches.

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