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RYSE names its two authentic Jell-O flavors for its flagship pre-workout Loaded Pre

Ryse Jell O Lemon Lime And Pineapple Loaded Pre

When news initially broke on RYSE Supplements officially partnering with the iconic jelly dessert brand Jell-O, the focus was around the authentic Jell-O flavors it had put together for its completely new, clear-style protein powder, Clear Protein. That was understandable as it was an all-new innovation from the popular company, but there was another product involved in that announcement, which was an authentic Jell-O flavor for RYSE’s more mainstream-level balanced pre-workout Loaded Pre.

Following the recent release of Clear Protein in two Jell-O flavors as well as one Kool-Aid and a standard Strawberry Banana, RYSE has gone ahead and unveiled its Jell-O experience for Loaded Pre, although there is more to it than the one collaboration. RYSE and Jell-O have got together for a pair of flavors of Loaded Pre, identical in number to Clear Protein, with Jell-O Island Pineapple and Jell-O Lemon Lime Loaded Pre, featuring all of the supplement’s usual energy, focus, and pump components.

RYSE’s newest flavors of Loaded Pre are already listed on its website, but they’re not in stock and are available for purchase just yet. The brand has not set an arrival date for its Jell-O Island Pineapple and Jell-O Lemon Lime Loaded Pres, although, with that online listing and the imminent rollout of the RYSE Clear Protein RTD, we don’t imagine them being far away.