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Both of Flavor Gang’s seasonal flavors of Bowl ‘O Gainz are returning for 2024

Return Of Fall And Halloween Bowl O Gainz

Around this time last year, the sauce and cream of rice specialist The Flavor Gang brought two special edition flavors to market for its signature, clean and nutritious cream of rice supplement, Bowl O’ Gainz. One was for Halloween, and the other was a general fall season creation, and both were only around for a limited time. For fans that maybe wanted to try either or both but didn’t get the chance to, the products are being brought back for Halloween and fall here in 2024, and we have exact dates for when they’re returning.

The Flavor Gang has announced that in about one week, on Sunday the 22nd of this month, the Pumpkin Spice Bowl ‘O Gainz will once again be available for purchase over at It’ll have all of the product’s usual macronutrient goodness with an infusion of the season, and for Halloween, the taste will be as vague and intriguing as the original. Last year, for All Hallow’s Eve, the brand made a Mystery Flavor Bowl ‘O Gainz, not saying anything about what it tastes like, and it is that same product that’s coming back.

While The Flavor Gang’s Pumpkin Spice Bowl ‘O Gainz is here this month on the 22nd, Mystery Flavor Bowl ‘O Gainz is obviously much closer to Halloween at the end of next month on the 31st. For both drops, the place to get your hands on them is, where a 24oz bag of 21 typical servings will cost you $23.99.

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