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Brazil’s Mrs Taste looks to replicate Chick-Fil-A’s signature sauce in its Mrs Chicken

Mrs Taste Mrs Chicken Sauce

Functional food companies have been creating alternative, better-for-you products for decades, where you get things like a replicated version of a candy bar but with protein, or more related to today’s topic and product, sauces that mimic things like ketchup and mustard. The lower-calorie sauce specialist, Mrs Taste, has done something quite different in its latest effort, creating a variant of a sauce that continues its theme of being better for you and having lower calories, but it’s a very specific condiment.

Mrs Taste has revealed and released Mrs Chicken, and as you might be able to gather from the look and feel of the packaging, it has been carefully crafted to taste like Chick-Fil-A’s signature mustardy, smoky, and tangy sauce. The Brazilian brand does not hide this fact, making a direct comparison video of the two on its Instagram. The nutrition difference between the two is significant, as you’d expect, with a 28g serving Chick-Fil-A’s sauce having 6g of carbohydrates, all of that sugar, 13g of fat, and 140 calories versus Mrs Chicken’s 1.1g of carbs, virtually no sugar, 7g of fat, and a low calorie count of only 68.

As mentioned, functional food innovators like Brazil’s Mrs Taste, have replicated several traditional sauces for many years, from classics like ketchup and BBQ to ranch and aioli, but Mrs Chicken is quite different as it is replicating something signature to a particular restaurant. The product is already out and available in the brand’s home country, including its own online store, where you can pick up a 320g bottle for a very reasonable R$24.985 (6.65 USD), which is right around some of its other more creative sauces.