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High-protein food maker Gym Kitchen expands into soft and fluffy pancakes

Gym Kitchen Protein Pancake

The Gym Kitchen in the United Kingdom is a healthy, high-protein food company, but it doesn’t make the usual sports nutrition formats of bars, cookies, or shakes. The creative brand produces more traditional foods like pizzas, preprepared meals, yogurt, and even noodles. Each of the products is packed full of protein, the core focus of The Gym Kitchen, and now it has expanded into another type of food, similar in familiarity to pizza and noodles with ready-to-eat High Protein Pancakes.

While the protein content of The Gym Kitchen’s High-Protein Pancakes called out on the wrapper does sound good at 24 to 26g, it is worth noting that is per packet, not per pancake. The product is actually rather heavy at 50g per piece, and in every pack are four pancakes, and together, they provide 24 to 26g of protein. The total carbohydrates are 56 to 62g, under 20g of that sugar, 9 to 12g of fat, and some pretty sizeable calories for the protein at 436 to 476, depending on the flavor.

The Gym Kitchen makes its High-Protein Pancakes with a simple and clean set of ingredients in wheat flour, wheat protein, eggs, pea protein, sugar, and flavor-related components with banana puree for the Banana flavor and in Maple; there is, of course, actual maple syrup. The product does indeed have more protein than your usual pancake, but it’s not a lot in the grand scheme of things next to more than double the carbohydrates, and it is rolling out to the market right now.