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Kill Cliff puts the call out to fans to help create a new look and feel for its drinks

Design Kill Cliff New Energy Can

If you fancy yourself a bit of a creative and somewhat of a designer, you may interested in something the team at Kill Cliff is currently running involving its selection of functional beverages, including the Ignite Energy Drink, Recovery, Recover CBD, and Energy CBD. Basically, the brand is looking to revamp the look and feel of its line, or as Kill Cliff itself has said, “We’re rebooting our cans”. While it may have a team on the inside working specifically on this, it has put the call out to the public for some assistance.

There is a form fans, followers, and creatives can complete with their name, email, some ideas, and a picture of a new look and feel for its drinks. This could be a simple concept for a single beverage to eventually be expanded across to each of the various products Kill Cliff has available or even individual designs for each item that loosely connect back around for a uniform appearance. You can essentially do whatever you want, but the goal is to make it look as cool, attractive, and marketable as possible.

The form you need to complete and submit your details and ideas in is hosted on Google Docs and can be accessed through this link here, and if you are one of the lucky three that Kill Cliff randomly selects, you’ll get a free case of cans sent straight to your from the brand itself.

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